January 28, 2025

Laura Jedeed

Freelance Journalist

Police Deployed Potentially Lethal Chemical During Black Lives Matter Protests

For $33, you can buy a Defense Technologies hexachloroethane (HC) smoke canister for crowd control purposes.

The full version of this article appears in Salon

For $33, you can buy a Defense Technologies hexachloroethane (HC) smoke canister for crowd control purposes.

This is what the City of Milwaukee paid per unit for 60 “Max Smoke” canisters in preparation for the Democratic National Convention in August 2020. It is what Portland Police bought in 2018, and what Denver Police likely used on Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters this summer.

However, nowhere in the U.S. experienced more HC smoke during the summer of 2020 than Portland, Oregon, where Homeland Security and Border Patrol forces deployed at least 26 such munitions against BLM protesters in July 2020…

Read the rest at Salon