February 23, 2025

Laura Jedeed

Freelance Journalist

October 29th: AR-15 Thursday

I’m late but not too late to what has become AR-15 Thursday in downtown Portland. Again

Maybe 30 BLM protesters blocking the intersection at 3rd and Main. A few paintball guns in the crowd

Meanwhile about 10 Blue Lives Matter stand on the sidewalk. One AR-15 and lots of mace

Correction: there is one BLM protester also with an AR15. No magazine, in a case

“It sends a message,” he says to me

We discuss the 2nd amendment and how it applies to everyone

Another AR-15 on the BLM side. This is an interesting development

He tells me he decided to come armed in part because of that video of the AR-15 threat. That his aim is to keep things de-escalated

BLM chants. Blue Lives Matter stand quiet

Things actually feel pretty calm. The far right is outnumbered and they seem content to simply wave their flags

A chant:

“Back the blue? Who the fuck are you?!
Back the black! We are ready to attack!”

Chandler Pappas (a far-right activist) over the megaphone: “You guys talk about freedom, but then you try to make me wear the mask. What’s up with that?”


A car attempts to get through

“Pretty sure the road isn’t closed,” the driver says

“Nope, but you aren’t getting through!”

She eventually leaves

That Trump truck at the end of the last clip just drove past at great speed on Morrison, revving his engine

The street is somewhat more clear than it was a moment ago

It’s that tense period where they seem to be about ready to go

This is when the violence tends to happen, if it’s gonna happen

I have to leave for an appointment on about 10 minutes; it would be very considerate of them if they’d leave quickly right now

Jahdi is on the ground streaming on IG


I’m afraid I have to take off–I’m going to find out whether the tingling sensation in my fucked-up toe is anything to worry about

If this is still going after it’s over, I’ll be back. Hopefully they just, like…leave

Solidarity with everyone still out here!

Aaaand the urgent care X-ray machine is broken so I guess I’m back. God clearly wants me to film the far right. Who am I to question His terrible plans?

Things appear to be winding down. Many of the BLM protesters have left. The far right remains here. Roughly even numbers

An unusual occurance: the Blue Lives Matter protesters turn and leave. Wave goodbye. No one follows

Could it be…over?


BLM protesters follow

One of the far right protesters accuses one of the BLM protesters of breaking his car

“Yeah? What’s the next step?”

Tense standoff. Hands on guns. All the guns are on the far right side now

Hand on gun. Not cool, man

An argument about whether the police are right or wrong to use tear gas. What’s gonna happen next week. Etc

Lot of shouting

Meanwhile a cop and a man in a suit watch from next to the District Courthouse

A BLM protester tells me they’re pretty sure the cop just spoke into his radio

Blue Lives Matter on the move again

“Move back! Move back!” the BLM protesters chant as they follow

Omg, gun guy has opened the JC door and standing inside

With his gun

I’m like, 90% sure that’s illegal

Gun guy claiming he called the cops

A police car drives past. Gun guy gestures. The cop does not turn his head

Omg someone inside the JC asked Gun Guy to leave the doorway, then locked the door behind him

The 4 Blue Lives Matter folks go to their parking garage, enter the elevator, and leave

It is ACTUALLY over

A few celebratory shouts of “MOVE BACK!” as the protesters leave

Nope, it’s never over in Portland

Protesters wait at the parking garage exit for the far right to emerge

One of them speeds by with a “fuck you!”

A few more to go

One of the far right cars now barricaded in

This doesn’t seem likely to end super well for anyone

Got a couple far right activists looking down…

A few cops watching from across the street

An undercover car orders the protesters to clear the way

Black Rebel peels out like a madman

The undercover car turns, sirens on, and gives chase. Cheers

Somehow I get none of this on film goddamn it. I’m rusty

Looks like the police stopped giving chase immediately. Dejected, the protesters return to the garage, where a police car is now parked by the garage

Apparently Black Rebel sprayed bear mace out of his window. Two protesters being treated now. Video incoming–I didn’t get it, but an intrepid protester got some extremely good footage

One of the people who got maced was press: @R3volutionDaddy, who is a bear mace magnet. Not fair 🙁

Omg it’s finally over

That’s it that’s the tweet