February 23, 2025

Laura Jedeed

Freelance Journalist

October 13th: A Small ICE Protest

Hi there, I’m here at the ICE building with maybe 20 protesters

A couple feds visible inside the gate but things seem extremely calm

I’ll let y’all know if that changes

It changed. Apparently DHS felt the need to come out and wave their guns around so a Toyota Tacoma could exit the building

Surely the most dramatic footage of a goddamn Toyota truck ever taken

They’re gone again. Protesters chant “COPS CAN’T READ” for a while

@MildlyAutistic channels Barack Obama to deliver some advice and also a demand

For some reason the Federal Protective Service has decided to tell us that the building is closed and we have to leave

I cannot stress enough how there are only 20 people here and they’re literally just standing around making jokes about cops

Do you see how boring this footage is?! This is the existstential threat the feds are freaking out about right now

Protesters promising to teach the feds to dougie if they stop killing black people

Things were mellow for a while and now the doors are open

They have gas masks on

There are exactly 20 people out here I just counted. 7 of them are press

They’re just standing there with the doors open it’s very goddamn weird

People were leaving. If the feds hadn’t opened the gates, this would probably be over by now

Wait what in the fuck?!

I guess this explains the gas masks

@KohzKah has procured a leaf blower and is menacingly blowing it in the direction of the ICE building from across the street

No other changes to report

There are now two leaf blowers blowing leaves at ICE

25 people out here now

“we’ve got a quarter of a hundred people out here! You afraid of 25 people?”

A car leaves, which means the feds come out again

I cannot emphasize enough that all this is for TWENTY-FIVE PEOPLE

I will, until I die, treasure the memory of two protesters blowing leaves at feds as they retreat back into the buildong

Then the gates close

I have a theory that I can’t prove: I think they opened the gates like 20 minutes ago and then they like had to pee or something so they just stood with the gate open rather than have to close it and look silly

As I tweeted that last DHS rushed out of the building to arrest the single protester who decides to approach the gate. I miss the tackle, which was excessive as fuck. @Johnnthelefty got it I think

Friends I am home

Solidarity to the 4 people still out here!

Originally tweeted by Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) on October 14, 2020.