March 29, 2025

Laura Jedeed

Freelance Journalist

September 18th: Return to ICE, Feds Gas South Waterfront

Originally tweeted by Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) on September 18, 2020.

Hi there, coming at you from Elizabeth Caruthers Park, where about 200 people stand in the rain-soaked grass and prepare for the first action in nearly a week

Let's see what happens

#PortlandProtests #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutality #PortlandRiots

Elizabeth Caruthers Park is very close to the ICE building

In the past couple days, we have learned that ICE is conducting systemic mass hysterectomies on its prisoners

At a certain point, words are no longer enough

An activist on the megaphone reminds us of the stakes

That Trump had made it clear that, if re-elected, he will prosecute anyone arrested at these events for sedition

We begin to march

The activist leads us in a chant:

"I believe that we will win"

Louder and louder. There is desperation and fear and courage here

The words echo


A very good sign

We have arrived. Immediate warning that attempts to damage the building will be met with force

I don my gas mask

Part of the crowd pushes to the gates immediately

A roof cop is visible, along with a handful of feds behind the gate


Shout-out to @1StephenSwann for this magnificent gas mask: a military-issue beauty that wraps my face in the tenderest of embraces

Looking forward to seeing how it holds up


The activist on the megaphone calls for shields to the front. Not a ton of shields tonight, unfortunately


someone has written "Fuck ICE" on some plywood in spray paint (which washes off)

Someone has hit the side of the building with a soft drum mallet

This concludes the list of violent crimes against property thus far

Rubber balls scattered before the ICE building gate

The crowd advances closer to the ICE building. One protester rattles the gates. Someone else bangs on the walls

Chant: "what's outrageous? Kids in cages!"

Feds warn people to stop. I assume: it's hard to hear over the chanting

An aside:

I feel sick looking at this building. I feel sick standing here

The idea of an organization, now, today, forcibly removing internal organs from the helpless and nonconsenting, makes me physically ill

It makes me wish all kinds of shit I can't say on Twitter

Back to coverage:

The crowd has moved back perhaps 15 feet from the gate, chanting. People donning gas masks

The list of crimes has not expanded

The car barricade moves and honks. Sounds like we've got incoming

The crowd braces for impact

They come out. They make a seemingly random arrest

Crowd pushed to Lowell and Moody. A smoke bomb deployed by feds. A few half-empty water bottles thrown

The Portland Police come up from behind. Declare an unlawful assembly. Tell protesters to disperse to the North.

They are standing to the North of the protest

Feels kind of kettly around here

Meanwhile, many of the feds have taken a step back, leaving these charming boys

Reports that riot vans are loading up at the JC. Cannot positively confirm this

Standoff at Lowell and Moody. Someone offers water and snacks. The cops move back half a block. The like remains, but they do not seem inclined to press forward at this time

Gas masks very much on

A good flag

Fun quiz: find the difference between these guys and deployed American soldiers:

-American soldiers wear name tags
-They don't wear gas masks to protect against their own munitions, since chemical weapons are banned in warfare
-No one wears the fucking codpiece it's embarrassing

Feds have pulled back to the intersection in front of the ICE building

The feds push back farther, then regroup. Standoff continues

Without warning or provocation the feds let loose a barrage of just fucking everything

I've got footage but let's start where we're at now: feds firing massive pepper balls into an empty fucking street:

The beginning of the push. Nothing happened to provoke this. They just started shooting

I couldn't tell whether this was tear gas or not, my mask is that fucking good now

It was tear gas though. Returned to sender

Happening now: they open fire for no reason. Gas the fuck out of everyone

Portland Police say some shit on the LRAD but we can't hear over the flash bang and shots

Another push. The unbrella and and shield wall braces themselves, shrouded in smoke and gas


Defiant. Determined. Committed

Massive smoke, mass arrests. Footage to follow. Driven back to Moody and Abernathy

Gas and smoke deployment, including a green plume I think may have been intended to prevent me filming. Only press was where I was

Feds deliberately force protesters through the smoke and tear gas

My new mask is a game changer in situations like these

The intent, however, is to punish

The start of the mass arrests-

The feds march protester after protester through the gas and take them to a line of waiting vans

The Portland Police arrived shortly thereafter with still more vans

Current status: not a lot of protesters left. Many are regrouping a short distance away but the attrition/arrest level is high. Cops and feds jointly holding the Moody/Abernathy intersection

Can't wait to hear how they spin this brutality tomorrow

Some kind of commotion I missed. An arrest for opening a fire hydrant a block away. Sounds like bullshit, looks like every other press captured it. I'll have to look it up when I get home

LRAD deafeningly announces an unlawful assembly and demands Northward dispersal

Can I please get a W in the chat for Longest I've Ever Gone Without Fucking Up A Thread, I'm so goddamn proud of myself right now

(Don't expect this level of professionalism going forward, this is a one-time thing)

The cops load up on riot vans and leave, going the wrong way down Moody. Must be nice to just break the law like that

A tiny police line remains

The protest has regrouped. More people here than I thought. Scattered by the gas and now reunited

They chant "Black Lives Matter!!" and prepare to move

Back at ICE. No visible police or fed presence left

Maybe 100 people here. Chanting and waiting

Roof cops

@SoundBlocPDX plays that protest classic: "No Cock Like Horse Cock"

It's actually illegal NOT to dance to WAP when it plays outside an ICE building

Literally going to take a video of someone dancing when the Feds rush out of their video to put a stop to this tomfoolery. What is this, Footloose?

Then they go back inside

Protecting and serving

They're just sorta hanging out in the doorway like awkward kids at a dance party

(Sound on for the dance party)

Codpiece boys forming a loose and shitty line up the road

It just feels like their hearts aren't into it

Gates opening. Maybe their hearts are into it after all

And now the gates are closed. A brief LRAD sonic siren noise. Then a too-quiet LRAD announcement

Is someone button mashing? What is going on?

Feds and cops have mostly vanished. A couple visible behind the gate Everyone just hanging out

I was literally typing "seems like the evening is winding down" when the cops burst out the doors and charged into the intersection

This is why you don't move when the cops tell you to move if you're big enough to look them in the eye

Because you'll get yet more proof of cops punching restrained people

Here's just the part where the cops punch the restrained arrestee

They keep moving and keep firing

The feds just fucking LIT UP this car for….driving down the street

I've got some footage and if these guys give me enough time I'll push it but: right now they're hanging out at Moody and Abernathy again

Beginning of the push: Cops charge forward to make that arrest with the punching from earlier. I get shoved and skid along the asphalt.

My camera turns off so you can't hear the door scream at me to get up which, dude, if you want me to get up don't fucking push me maybe

(I've got a little road rash on my hand/arm/leg but nothing that won't heal in a few days)

I didn't get footage of them nearly lighting a car on fire, or @MildlyAutistic yelling "Fire season isn't over! Just because it doesn't look like Mordor TODAY doesn't mean you should try to light everything on fire!!"

Looks like at least some of the codpiece boys are from San Francisco

DHS pulling back, leaving the California Codpiece Boys behind

The California Codpiece Boys do the predictable Fed trick of gassing as they leave

This samurai warrior does not give a single fuck

A very surreal moment in which me and a couple other journalists follow the codpiece boys, who continue to fire gas and smoke at nothing

Despite their armored balls they are terrified. Or maybe they just like the pretty colors. Who knows

The protest is maybe 30 people plus press. I think the evening is finally winding down and I'm going to head out

Solidarity with everyone still out here ✊

Holy shit, @hungrybowtie got the car fire

Please keep in mind that the fire danger here is still very high, despite the rain last night