Gonna live-tweet tonight's Justice Center action again. Let's do this! Currently taking to the streets. Destination, as always, unknown#defendpdx #PortlandProtests #RoseCityJustice
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Looks like we're gonna pay East Portland a visit! Heading over the Morrison Bridge
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
An argument over whether we should be going over the bridge or not. "This is what they want us to do!!" This happens every time we move away from the Justice Center. The argument has merit
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
I'm being told we are the reinforcements for an action already underway on East Side
Going to Revolution Hall, it seems
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Party vibes. It's a holiday, we haven't danced in so long. The fact remains: this isn't a protest or anything close to it pic.twitter.com/nDzsc1E4J4
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Back at the justice center, where the vibe could not be more different. Unlawful assembly just declared
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Chants of ACAB. crowd control weapons pointed directly at the crowd
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Sirens. The crowd begins to move
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
We've been pushed to 6th Avenue, which is where we were told to go. The police looked ready to push us farther but now seem to be leaving. LRAD lady still ordering us to disperse to the west past 6th avenue. Well, she's got half her wish for now
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Heated debate: Pioneer Square or Justice Center? After a lot of back and forth, the crowd decides justice center. We get maybe a block before the police come at us yet again. Leisurely pace. They don't seem terribly hungry for arrests tonight. Back to 6th
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Perhaps in response to past criticism for pushing protesters beyond the stated boundaries, the cops are not pushing past 6th. A tense standoff pic.twitter.com/Xcg7CWlLLh
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
The crowd is robust despite this: at least 200
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
I can never decide whether I like "War Crime Wheeler" or "Tear Gas Teddy" better as a chant
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
A pop to the right. Everyone tenses and looks…then laughs. 'its kinda fucked up,' someone comments. I'm never entirely sure this whole thing isn't some kind of veteran fever dream, the parallels are numerous and strong
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
As we approach the Justice center yet again, LRAD lady orders us to disperse
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Cops pushing us north
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
The group is shrinking and has just split
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
A group has linked arms and is holding the line at Morrison
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
"officers will be leaving the area. You must stay outside of Morrison to Columbia, 1st to 6th. Do not engage the officers"
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Immediately returning to the JC. 0 fucks given tonight. Someone is playing Bella Ciao!!
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
I'll tweet this as soon as the police see us
At the JC. Rubber bullets reported
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
Pepper ball fired in the middle of the discussion. Crowd tenses. Multiple shouts of "Don't talk to cops"
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
It's 1AM. There's a dance party across the river. The crowd is stripped to its bones and its bones are strong. No one here is afraid of anything. It's fucking incredible. This won't end well, but in a way, it's already ended well, because all of us are, in a critical way, free
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
— Laura Jedeed is Kind of Back I Guess (@LauraJedeed) June 20, 2020
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